Nadine Schemmann creates works with an impressive depth of color. Her artistic work springs from memories of synaesthetic experiences of past encounters. An aura emanates from her works, triggered by very harmonious color gradients, which are created through the targeted use of chlorine bleach. In addition to colors, the surface also plays a major role for her. Nadine Schemmann prefers canvas as a painting surface. She allows threads or seams to protrude, creating splashes of color. She also emphasizes the structure of the fabric by slightly altering its tension. The artist sometimes completely removes the frame of her canvas, so that her works fow over walls or condense into sculptures hanging freely in space.

Nadine Schemmann (born 1977) lives and works in Berlin. Her works have been shown in Kunstmuseum Wiesbaden, Germany, and the Kunstverein kjubh in Cologne.

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